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Have ever heard of sensory experiences? Let's talk a little about this!

Sensory experiences in interior design engage all five senses—vision, touch, hearing, taste, and smell—to create environments that evoke positive feelings and memories. By crafting spaces that stimulate these senses, you enhance comfort, reduce stress, and boost overall well-being. Discover how to inspire sensory experiences through thoughtful decoration!

Basically, the sensory experience involves stimulating your senses, which are:

  • Vision
  • Touch (tact)
  • Hearing
  • Taste
  • Smell

Therefore, when one of these senses is stimulated, they can cause a positive or negative neurological response. In this article we will only talk about positive sensations to contextualize where this connects with interior decoration. 

Speaking of vision, it is important to highlight that, when entering a house for the first time, the senses perform a kind of scanning, through peripheral vision.
Everything that was captured and in a certain way, visually draws attention, generates a sensorial experience. An environment that makes you feel comfortable, cozy, beautiful, impressed or attracted. All of this releases a series of hormones, which are generally called happiness hormones, such as endorphins, once released you tend to feel good.

This happens to your senses when smell something delicious and without even tasting it we have a sensory discharge. Just imagine, entering an environment so beautiful and elegant that it awakens your senses.

The most curious thing about all of this is: after living a sensory experience, the tendency is to create memories of that moment more easily, regardless of the sense stimulated.

In terms of decoration and interior design, this is what we should aim to deliver to clients, every time they enter their homes we need to provide that sensory moment, this will help reduce stress, increase well-being, health and the emotional , for example!

Inspire more sensory experiences!

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